A Luxembourg Christmas!
What better way to kick off this festive season than with a winter stroll through the streets of Luxembourg? Whether a nostalgic look back at your favorite holiday activity or your first time experiencing Luxembourg at Christmas, all are welcome to join and enjoy a video tour of the beautiful 2020 holiday lights and then chat with your friends at LACC.
Luxembourger and LACC member, Ana Wiscour-Conter will be our host and will share a little history of the Christmas Market as well as some footage of the lights around the city in 2020. Ana will interview American, Paul Schonenber of AMCHAM Luxembourg (and Luxembourg resident of 30 years) as well as Luxembourger Bob Dieschburg (a New York resident of 2 years). It will be interesting to hear their perspectives from each side of the Atlantic!
While the 2020 Christmas Market in Luxembourg may have changed, the festivity of the season has not. Please join us and enjoy both the sparkling lights on display and the heartfelt company of your LACC friends.
And what is Christmas without a glass of GLÜHWEIN?!
1/4 cup of sugar
4 cinnamon sticks
6 – 8 cloves
1 small, sliced lemon
1 750ml bottle of red wine
A note on the lemon – you can either slice it lengthwise into wedges or slice it crosswise. If using for taste, go for the former. If using for looks, go for the latter. Oranges can also be substituted or added to the lemon.
More sugar can be added to individual mugs to taste. Also, instead of regular sugar you can use honey.
Experiment with adding 2 juniper berries, a few gratings of nutmeg, 3 cardamon pods or 1 star anise.
Pour the wine into a medium sauce pan and then add all the ingredients. Set the burner to low and let the flavours blend. Stir it once or twice to make sure the sugar is dissolved.
The most important thing to know about making a mulled wine is to make sure not to bring it to a boil, instead, heat it low and slow. Boiling it, will remove most of the alcohol and what fun would that be?