2020 may have been one of the most stressful years we will ever know – let’s certainly hope so! As we look to 2021, and there are some hopeful signs on the horizon, we’ve still got lots to cope with and need tools to manage our way through. Please join us for this interactive webinar to learn ways you can develop optimism. Start the New Year off right by teaching yourself some new skills. You’ll be glad you did.
- Take some time for yourself, settle down and recover during this very challenging time
- Acquire some practices to help you recuperate and feel good
- Learn to refocus and listen to yourself
- Explore tools to cultivate inner stability and navigate the current whirlwind
- Learn to rely on your own resources
- Gain keys to stay on course and focused
- Develop optimism
** Zoom link and Materials List will be provided in Registration Confirmation Email **